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Comb. birlin-note, a note in the music for a reel which indicates when the dancers are to whirl.Abd. 1935 Music Festival Syllabus footnote 27: If preferred, pianists may play two - accenting the second - instead of the three \"birlin' notes\" in reels.
(2) To move rapidly, hurry along.Sc. 1932 G. Rae in Border Mag. (Feb.) 23: I maun be steppin' for the sun's gan birlin' doon.Sc. 1989 Scotsman (27 Jan) 10: In cases of zero snow, or very little, the dog teams are simply hitched up to wheeled trolleys and go birling along the forest trails like it was Friday night at Safeways.Sc. 1999 Herald (4 Sep) 14: They stand behind a chain-mail security fence at Gd Ref: 566465. Birl on from the windmills, bearing south-east for half-a-mile to the top of Crook Hill (329m) on the edge of the continuation of Whitelee... Sc. 2000 Herald (24 May) 19: About 40 minutes later, there's a huge cheer and Mary is birling through the finish in her chair, her Boy Scout \"pushers\" in her wake. The elation on their shining faces says it 1979 Alastair Mackie in Joy Hendry Chapman 23-4 (1985) 65: The day birls to tea-timeand the dander hame. The sun has foonertand grey like naethingness airches the lyft. m.Sc. 1989 James Meek McFarlane Boils the Sea 209: A nurse's cap is torn from her head, bounces off the top of the wall and goes birling away across the grass.Ags. 1824 Literary Olio (20 March) 81/1: Ye'll soon birl inby, into that machine, and it's a braw nicht, sae I winna hae a nasay.Kcb. 1789 D. Davidson Seasons 67: Fast to the Kirk the callan birl'd, An' the door snack he quickly twirl'd.Rxb.(D) 1925 E. C. Smith Mang Howes and Knowes 24: It was nae teime owregane or oo war birlin owre the Trow Burn leike five ell o wund.
Hence birling, vbl.n., carousal; a drinking-match in which the drink is clubbed for. [Cf. Birl, v.2, 2.]Sc. 1824 Scott Redgauntlet, Letter xi.: We are no ganging to the Laird's, but to a blithe birling at the Brokenburn-foot.
(6) A thrust (in words).Dwn. 1912 F. E. S. Crichton The Precepts of Andy Saul (1913) 26: A'm not wishin' ill till anny Catholic hereabouts, but A'd thravel miles till hear the Rev. Northey takin' a birl at the Pope.
There is quite considerable variation in the execution of birls. Ifyour teacher deviates from anything described above this does notautomatically mean that something is wrong. However, these birls areused and recognised world-wide, whereas other styles may not be (yet).
Theartistry and musicality and thrill of a birl is when you can controland vary the rhythmical effect. This is marked in the exercises below.For a demonstration of the upside down seven birl, please click below: 781b155fdc