Mobile Homes To Be Moved In Arkansas
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FEMA and Congress are trying to figure out what to do with more than 10,000 mobile homes hastily stockpiled in Hope, Ark., after Hurricane Katrina. Federal regulations forbid them from being placed in a floodplain, so few were ever sent to the Gulf Coast. A move is on to change the law.
At the airport in Hope, Arkansas, you'll find one of the most visible reminders of FEMA's bureaucratic problems after Hurricane Katrina. It's where mobile homes, trailers, thousands and thousands of them, are being stored. They were ordered and built to house evacuees from Katrina. But despite a still urgent need for housing on the Gulf Coast, they're sitting unused and vacant at the Hope Airport.
Frustration about the stockpile of unused mobile homes in Hope has even reached the White House. At a news conference last week, President Bush cited it as an example of a bureaucratic problem he was working to fix.
ALLEN: The airport here in Hope is a World War II air facility. An occasional airplane lands on the one runway that's still open. The other runways and acres of surrounding pastureland are now covered by more than 10,000 mobile homes. These aren't the trailers with wheels. These units are what is sometimes called manufactured housing, single-wide trailers, most of them about 60 feet long and 14 feet wide. Row upon row of the mobile homes, nearly identical, all covered with white aluminum siding, sit unoccupied, while just a few hundred miles away on the Gulf Coast an estimated 98,000 people still lack temporary housing.
ALLEN: Ross, along with Arkansas Democratic Senator Mark Prior, has proposed legislation that would allow FEMA to place the trailers in flood plains. FEMA spokesperson Nicole Andrews says it's not quite that simple. The agency will locate mobile homes in flood plains now, she says, if they're placed on a fixed foundation that complies with federal flood plain regulations. Andrews says along with those restrictions, there are other factors that have prevented the agency from placing them along the Gulf Coast.
The review called on FEMA to develop a plan that will lay out how the agency will use or dispose of the mobile homes. Andrews says the agency is talking with officials in Louisiana and Mississippi about how to use the mobile homes there and hopes eventually to ship some 5,000 units to the Gulf Coast. She says the ones that don't go to the Gulf will be used elsewhere.
ALLEN: FEMA says it's now considering turning the site in Hope into a permanent staging area, a stockpile for trailers and other disasters preparedness supplies. And the agency is making plans to lay down hundreds of acres of gravel, at a cost of $6 million, so the trailers don't sink into the mud. That's just one more expense that drives critics like Congressman Ross crazy. There is one thing though about the mobile homes in Hope that everyone agrees on, they're going to be here for some years to come.
Looking for Arkansas mobile homes If youre a price conscious customer youll already know, Home Nation offers some of the most affordable Mobile Homes in the Nation. With business experience of over 20 years, we know the manufactured homes industry inside and out. Our expertise means we can offer you some of the nations most affordable homes with the expertise youd expect from a local dealer. The difference is the price, we dontcharge you the equivalent of a small stick built house price for one of our mobile homes. Really the choice should be easy, weve got factory direct homes at a price you cant find anywhere else. We do this in an effort to serve a historically underserved demographic of the United States. Those that love affordable living and dont want to put their entire life savings into a mortgage for a custom house.
We have homes in so many sizes. Starting with tiny homes, these are small homes that unfortunately cannot be lived in year round, but serve well as hunting cabins or simply a lakeside cabin you can visit with your family in those hot summer months. Generally anything less than 400 square foot would be a tiny home that can be lived in temporarily. Just above that are our Park Model homes, which are technically RVs. Being an RV, you can only live in these for 6 months at a time during any calendar year. There are many RV parks that accept these types of homes, and they can easily be hooked up to a capable truck and moved elsewhere. Then weve got the standard mobile home, a single wide. Consisting of one section, they are usually narrow and offer everything you need. A double wide is of course twice this size and each section are merged on site. Finally, we have modular homes which can be 2,000 feet or more. These are homes you would buy if youre planning on living in your home for a long, long time, or would like to sell it at a later date, since they are indistinguishable from stick built homes in appearance and in price. Thats right, they appraise for the same, since theyre built to the same code!
Another reason to go with Home Nation, is that we can find you financing for your prefab home. Most manufactured home dealers won't do this, instead leaving you to fund it yourself. We work closely with several lenders, and can make that processmuch easier. Just fill out the form on our Financing Page to see if you're eligible for one of our very competitive loans. If you're looking for mobile homes in AR, getting your home funded shouldn't be the obstacle between you and a new home, we can often finance our buyers, even with low credit scores.
Single-wide mobile homes are usually between 600 and 1,300 square feet and have one or two bedrooms and bathrooms each. Double-wide mobile homes usually include two-three bathrooms and two to three bathrooms, averaging between 2,000 and 2,500 square feet. Triple-wide or multi-wide mobile homes are about 4,500 square feet and resemble the site-built homes the most. They can have three or more bedrooms, at least two bathrooms, and are usually customized.
Once you've purchased a mobile home you must have it moved to your desired location. The cost to deliver and set up a double wide usually falls between $2,000 and $5,000, depending on the complexity of the site and distance traveled. Some dealers include the cost of transport and set-up in the base price of the home. Do check whether you're liable for delivery and set-up costs before you buy.
If your mobile home is older, there may be other costs involved before it can be moved. Mobile homes sitting on their wheels and axles for several years, for instance, could require some repair before they can be safely transported. Mobile home wheels cost about $50 per tire to repair, with axles costing around $150 to fix if they're damaged. Also, there's usually an additional $1 to $2 per mile charge for any mobile home mover escort vehicles.
Double-wide mobile homes may cost more than $5,000 to move and then set up. Also, mobile home owners are usually responsible for removing their own skirting, deck, steps and landscaping prior to moving their homes. Sometimes, it may not even make financial sense to move a used mobile home. If you're considering a mobile home, try to negotiate transport and set-up costs as part of its purchase price or buy a new one that includes such costs in its base price.
Although there are no deeds filed for mobile homes (MH), they are assessed as real estate. When you purchase a mobile home, it will be listed on your personal assessment at zero value. We do this, to verify your ownership (did not sell during prior year) when you assess your personal property.
Some of the deceased's (\"decedent's\") property may pass without the need for a formal probate process. Methods include small estate affidavits, affidavits of heirship, statements of inheritance for mobile homes, and applications to determine heirs.
Mobile homes, also known as \"manufactured homes,\" are built in a factory and placed on a trailer chassis to allow them to be moved. Mobile homes are sometimes placed in a mobile home park or on leased land. In these cases, the owner rents a space or leases land, but owns the mobile home itself.
One advantage to mobile homes offer is that they are often a lower-cost option to having a stick-built home custom build for you. In this regard, mobile homes can make homeownership easier to achieve. And since mobile homes usually cost less per square foot than a stick-built home, you can get more space for your money.
There are some stick-built home builders that have standard floor plans and options that allows them to build homes for prices similar to mobile homes. If you prefer a stick-built home, you might look into whether such a builder is in your area so that you can compare the quality of construction with a newer mobile home.
Another advantage you might find with mobile homes is flexibility. Since mobile homes are usually more affordable than a stick-built home and only semi-permanent, if you own land, you can place a mobile home on it now and remove it in the future (though removal isn't as easy as it sounds, given the plumbing and other attachments). This might be an option if you are uncertain you want to own the land long term, do not want to commit to a stick-built home now, or cannot afford a stick-built home right now.
An additional advantage mobile homes offer is that they are usually built in controlled environments. This means they can be consistently built to a high standard. And because they are manufactured in such conditions, construction delays due to weather or difficulty scheduling subcontractors are less likely.
A disadvantage of buying a mobile home is that its value will depreciate quickly. Like a new car, once a mobile home leaves the factory, it quickly drops in value. Stick-built homes, on the other hand, normally appreciate in value over time because the stick-built home owner almost always owns the underlying land.
One reason mobile homes depreciate in value is because they are personal prope